
The name of the organization shall be the “Relocation Council of Central Ohio”. The authorized abbreviation shall be RCCO.

The Relocation Council of Central Ohio (RCCO) is a not-for-profit organization under Ohio law, recognized by the Employee Relocation Council (ERC). RCCO shall provide a local forum for discussion, problem solving, information exchange, and education regarding the relocation industry. Further, the purpose shall be to provide regular meetings where relocation industry professionals can openly hear and discuss issues, concerns and trends for the purpose of mutual problem solving and awareness.

Policy of Non-Solicitation
In order to best meet the purpose of the Relocation Council of Central Ohio, to remain focused on the educational goals of RCCO and to keep the organization open and free from bias, the Members are to adhere to the following policy:

Service Members are strictly prohibited from directly soliciting business from Corporate Members at RCCO functions.

Application for Membership shall be made electronically on the RCCO website. Prospective members may attend one meeting every two years prior to applying for membership.

Corporate Membership shall be open to individuals responsible for the development, strategic direction, implementation and administration of an employee relocation program and/or oversees the relocation process for each transferee. Corporate members may have unlimited members from their organization who are actively involved in the relocation process.

Service Membership* shall be open to individuals who are employed by or own a company providing relocation services to transferring employees.

Membership requirements specific to Real Estate Professionals are as follows; the applicant must meet the same requirements as a Service Member. In addition, he/she must provide a letter from their managing broker indicating that the applicant is:

One of that firm’s designees for RCCO membership; and is a full-time member of that firm’s Relocation Department.

Service membership shall be limited to a maximum of four (4) members per service provider company, including all subsidiary companies thereof.

* In order to maintain a reasonable mix of corporate and service memberships, all new Service  membership applications must be accompanied by a new Corporate Membership application or a letter of recommendation from a current Corporate Member of RCCO.

Individual Membership shall be open to any person who formerly was active in RCCO and meets the general membership requirements, but due to employment termination or retirement is no longer eligible for either a specific Corporate/Service membership. Individuals with paid memberships shall be entitled to vote and participate in the activities of RCCO.

Honorary Membership can be granted by a majority vote of the Advisory Board. Honorary membership will apply to persons deemed outstanding in the relocation industry and an asset to the organization. Membership dues and voting rights are not applicable to this type of membership.

When an organization applies for membership, it shall provide the Membership Chairman with the names and addresses of the individuals who will be member(s). The Primary member must provide any changes in representation to the Membership Chairman. If any member leaves their current company they must reapply for membership with their new company or as an individual member.

The membership year shall begin on January 1 and terminate on December 31 and will be considered renewed each year with the payment of dues, unless the member company fails to remain in good standing or resigns.

Membership shall be terminated for any member whose dues are not paid by February 1st. In addition, any member who does not adhere to the established policies of guidelines set forth in the Bylaws may be terminated as a member.

Annual dues are required for membership in RCCO. Dues will be set by the Advisory Board and are subject to change. Notification of the Annual Dues will be forwarded to each member by November 15th. Payment must be received by January 15th.

Payment of dues entitles each member to attend all meetings, have access to the RCCO Membership Roster and vote at the time of the annual Advisory Board elections or when a general membership vote is required.

Prospective members and guests may attend one meeting every two years prior to applying for membership.

Guests are required to pre-register for meetings and to pay a guest fee, if applicable.

The affairs of the RCCO shall be maintained by its Advisory Board, which will consist of a minimum of five members elected from the general membership. It shall be the goal of the Advisory Board to maintain an equal balance between Corporate members and Service members. Board members must attend seventy-five (75%) of the Board meetings. Board members will serve for a two-year term. Advisory Board members may be re-elected.

Nominations for the Advisory Board may be made from the general membership and members may nominate themselves.

Candidates will be introduced at the last General Membership meeting of the year or via email. All paid members will be entitled to one vote. The new board will be announced via e-mail to the general membership after the vote has been tallied.

With the approval of the Advisory Board, the Advisory Board Chairman shall fill any interim vacancy with a paid member qualified to fill the position.

Officers of the Advisory Board shall be: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.

President: The President shall preside at all meetings; and shall have the general powers to carry out the duties of the office including, but not limited to, the power to create committees to assist in the conduct of the affairs of RCCO.

Vice President: The Vice President shall preside over meetings in the President’s absence; and may oversee committee chairs; shall assume additional duties as designated by the President; and may perform the duties of Treasurer or Secretary on an as-needed basis.

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive and give receipt for all monies due and payable to RCCO; shall deposit all monies in the name of RCCO in a depository selected by the Executive Committee; shall pay all legal obligations of RCCO when due, and provide financial reports to the Advisory Board and general membership; and shall file any tax return(s) or report (s) required by any government agency.

Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee and general membership and shall have charge of other books, records and papers as the President may direct.

Immediate Past President: The immediate past president, although not a voting member of the Advisory Board, shall continue to serve on the Advisory Board for a one-year term to offer counsel and continuity.

Standing and special committees shall be established by the Advisory Board as deemed necessary to fulfill the goals of the Relocation Council of Central Ohio (RCCO).

The Advisory Board shall meet at least quarterly prior to each general membership meeting. The Advisory Board may also meet during the year, either in person or by way of phone, video chat, or email. The dates shall be determined by the President of the Advisory Board and announced at least ten (10) days prior to such special meetings. A copy of the minutes of the last meeting of the Advisory Board shall be provided to each Advisory Board member following the meeting.

Any Advisory Board member may be removed by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Advisory Board whenever, in their judgment, the best interest of RCCO will be served thereby.

It shall be the goal of the Advisory Board to host four general membership meetings annually. Meeting dates for the entire year will be decided by the Advisory Board and communicated to the membership no later than February 1st. During the year RCCO hosts the Great Lakes Conference three general membership meetings will be held.

Money collected from membership dues may be used as necessary to cover meeting expenses. If there are no expenses incurred to obtain a speaker for the meeting, a contribution will be made by RCCO to a local charitable organization. Any exceptions to this policy will be considered and voted on by the Advisory Board.

A quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the membership shall consist of fifty percent (50%) of the voting members of RCCO or sixty percent (60%) of the Advisory Board.

The Bylaws may be altered, amended, and repealed and new Bylaws may be adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the entire Advisory Board and approved by the majority of the general membership. Notification of changes in the Bylaws may be presented at a general meeting or through email notification. Lack of an email response within five (5) days of the notification will be perceived as being an approval of the changes.